Tanzania Education
and Research Network -

TERNET is a network of Tanzania higher education and research institutions aiming at providing network infrastructure and associated services for enabling sharing of education and research resources inside and outside the country. TERNET was formally registered as a Trust on 11th April 2008 and on 18th April 2008 it became member of UbuntuNet Alliance, a registered non-profit association of National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) in Eastern and Southern Africa.



For TERNET member institutions to securely and reliably access and share resources (services and content) over the NREN and other data networks in Tanzania and the world over, the TERNET Identity Federation (TIF) was established in July 2024.

An institution can apply to join download form the TERNET Identity Federation (TIF) as an Identity Provider (IdP) or a Service Provider (SP).

Only TERNET member institutions can join TIF as Identity Providers (IdPs). However, to join TIF as a Service Provider (SP), an institution, organization, or company DOES NOT have to first subscribe to TERNET membership.

Access to resources federated through TERNET is governed by the TERNET Identity Federation Policy. Metadata registration in RIF is governed by the TIF Metadata Registration Practice Statement.


FileSender is a browser-based service for sending large files to colleagues. It is provided as an alternative to email attachments, but it can also be used for moving files to CSC environment. The service allows you to upload and send files up to 300 GB size. The service is not intended for long-term storage, as the files are deleted automatically after the preservation time is exceeded. The maximum preservation time is 21 days.


NextCloud is a suite of client-server software for creating and using file hosting services. NextCloud provides functionality similar to Dropbox, Office 365 or Google Drive when used with integrated office suites Collabora Online or OnlyOffice.


eduGAIN simplifies connections between research and education institutions for secure sharing of authentication and authorization.


Ensuring secure access to internal services and browsing the internet safely involves implementing strong security measures like encryption, authentication, and firewalls.


eduroam offers global, secure Wi-Fi access for academic users, allowing them to connect seamlessly across institutions with a single login.